Remember the 3-Strand Cord? Here's a photo of Michelle and Leonard braiding the cord. It really was a nice addition to their vow- renewal ceremony. While they braided the cord, their daughter read the bible scripture regarding the cord.
March was our annual Brides Against Breast Cancer Charity Wedding Gown Sale. We had a great time, sold lots of wedding gowns and raised more than $30,000. A big thanks to all the brides who took the time to come out and support us! This past Sunday we showcased some of our Brides Against Breast Cancer Gowns at the Wedding Professionals of Central Florida Bridal Show. Beautiful girls, beautiful gowns!! We will be having our next sale in March 2009 at the UCF Alumni again. But watch out for special fund raising events coming throughout the year.
Hopefully, this will be the start of my better blogging ways.