Harambee (let's all pull together)! I was just driving in my car listening to the Kwanzaa principle for the day on the radio. After listening to the radio for awhile, I started thinking how does this apply to my business and my business practices. After all Kwanzaa is about family and community and my lively hood depends on the community of wedding vendors in this area. At it's essence the celebration of Kwanzaa means the awareness of seven principles:

UMOJA (oo-MOH-ja)
Meaning: unity
Action: building a community that holds together
KUJICHAGULIA (koo-jee-cha-goo-LEE-yah)
Meaning: self-determination
Action: speaking for yourself and making choices that benefit the community
UJIMA (oo-JEE-mah)
Meaning: collective work and responsibility
Action: helping others within the community
UJAMAA (oo-JAH-ma)
Meaning: cooperative economics
Action: supporting businesses that care about the community
NIA (nee-AH)
Meaning: a sense of purpose
Action: setting goals that benefit the community
KUUMBA (koo-OOM-bah)
Meaning: creativity
Action: making the community better and more beautiful
IMANI (ee-MAH-nee)
Meaning: faith
Action: believing that a better world can be created for communities now and in the future.
As industry professionals we all have a circle of vendors that we work well with and that work well for our clients. My circle may not include the same businesses as your circle but that is the beauty of it all. There are enough markets, niches, etc. to sustain us all. We should promote our circle of vendors to each other and our clients to build up our business and in turn their business and keep us all going this upcoming year. So....
Habari Gani?
Meaning: What's the news?
Action: Talk up your circle, promote you circle and network with your circle!